Cheats for Shadowrun SNES

Debug room:
Go to the flickering street light just to the right of the morgue. Stand under the light on the crack in the ground where NPCs will sometimes stop at. Open the inventory and select the matchbox. Examine the matchbox, and you will hear a beep sound if you are standing in the correct location. Move around slightly if the confirmation sound is not heard. Examine it three additional times, with beeps confirming each examination. Exit the inventory screen and walk into the morgue. Move just inside the door and stop in that hallway. Examine the matchbox for a fifth time. Three beeps will confirm that your location is correct. Select the matchbox again and the ‘Examine L’ text will instead read ‘Open R’. Press R to enter the Debug room. It contains the following items: Waitresses that give you money, karma, and spells