Cheats for King Arthur & The Knights of Justice SNES

Debug menu:
Press L, R, X, A, B, Y on controller two at the screen with license text. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press Select on controller two during game play to display the debug menu, with options to turn off battles, music test, sound effects test, view ending, and others.

View ending sequence:
Enter The Lady, The Lady, The Lady, The Lady, The Lady as a password.

Skipping the Staff Pieces:
When told to go find the missing pieces of the staff to break the Northern wall, enter Gallop, Merlin, Brick, Trunk, Brick as a password to leave one piece left unfound. Find the piece of bread and the weary traveler and end your quest.

Enter Woman, Merlin, The Lady, Arthur, The Lady as a password. Complete The Dark Forest/Plain of the Dead area and you will be ready to storm Morgana’s castle with all of the shields and keys for all your knights.